Turn your choreographic ideas into extraordinary dance films.
- Sinclair Emoghene, Professer of Dance, UT Austin
CHAPTER 1: CONCEPTUALIZATION - Learn how to develop a concept that’s ready to pitch, shoot, and share with the world. In this section, we'll go over location, production design, props, story arc, and much more.
CHAPTER 2: PRE-PRODUCTION - Preparation is the key to success. Learn how to design a treatment deck, pitch your film, find your core collaborators, build a budget, create a master schedule, and much more.
CHAPTER 3: CHOREOGRAPHY FOR THE CAMERA - What makes choreography for the camera unique? Learn about nuance, pace, depth, timing, and how to utilize improvisation to create amazing phrases.
CHAPTER 4: CINEMATOGRAPHY - Everything you need to know about using a camera and working with a cinematographer. Learn how to choose your angles, add camera movement, create a shot list, and bring your film to life.
CHAPTER 5: PRODUCTION & DIRECTING - What to expect on the big day, what steps you can take to ensure a smooth shoot, and how to be an effective director and leader.
CHAPTER 6: POST-PRODUCTION - Learn the full post production process: editing, sound design, music licensing, color grading, and exporting your final film. *Using Davinci Resolve (free) as our base editing software.
CHAPTER 7: DISTRIBUTION - Learn how to design a poster, make a trailer, submit your film to festivals, and register your work with IMDb. Also hear from some of the world’s most renowned festivals about what they look for in dance films.
- Genna Moroni, award-winning choreographer